About The Event

WELCOME TO peace is possible 3.0

Our Organization:

DEOS is an organization led by Rev. Fr. Daniel Ogbeifun (Fada Deo), with various departments primarily established out of a desire and passion for a better Nigeria. We are committed to fostering youth welfare and peaceful coexistence through our annual Peace Summits and other related programs. These include Empowerment/Talent Hunt Entertainment projects, Scholarship Schemes, and Schools building projects, all aimed at getting youths off the streets, reducing crime rates, and ultimately minimizing, if not eradicating, violent conflicts in our environment. Hence, our slogan, ‘PEACE IS POSSIBLE’.


14 APR, 2024
4:00 PM

Abuja Continent Hotel Former Sheraton Abuja

Not Ticketed
but will be under Heavy Security


Our Event Speakers


Special guest artists

Onyeka Onwenu

Our Panelists

Ijeoma Osamor

Josephine Pam

“Attending the ‘Peace is Possible’ event was a truly transformative experience. The speakers were inspiring, the discussions were thought-provoking, and the sense of community and hope was palpable. I left feeling empowered and optimistic about the possibility of peace in our world.”

Josephine Pam

“As a long-time advocate for peace, I was thrilled to be a part of the ‘Peace is Possible’ event. It was incredibly refreshing to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all working towards a common goal. The event reignited my passion and commitment to the cause.”

Toochi Nwoye
CEO & Founder

“I had the privilege of volunteering at the ‘Peace is Possible’ event, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Seeing so many people come together to discuss and promote peace was incredibly inspiring. I left with a renewed sense of hope and determination to make a difference in the world.”

Isa Mukhtar
CEO & Founder

Event Sponsors

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