05 May

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah

  • By Peaceispossible /

Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah is the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, Nigeria. Bishop Kukah was born on August 31, 1952 in Anchuna, Ikulu Chiefdom in Zangon Kataf local government area of Kaduna State. Kukah received his primary education at St. Fidelis Primary School, Zagom, then St. Joseph Minor Seminary, Zaria, before proceeding to St.…

05 Apr

Ustaz Muhammad Nuru Khalid

  • By Peaceispossible /

Sheikh Muhammad Nuru Khalid (born October 1, 1960 in Jos Plateau State ) is a Nigerian Islamic cleric, and was the Chief Imam of Apo Legislative Quarters Juma'at Mosque in Federal Capital Territory before his suspension on 02nd April, 2022 by the mosque's committee, following his criticism of…

Onaiyekan was born in the town of Kabba, in what is now Kogi State, to Bartholomew and Joann Onaiyekan. He attended St. Mary’s Catholic School in Kabba from 1949 until 1956, Mount St. Michael’s Secondary School in Aliade, Benue State, from 1957 until 1962, and Ss. Peter &…

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